Ripples - A New Start

Ripples Improv Quilts Improve Curves

I literally woke up with this idea.

We all know I am a morning person, rising to practice Morning Make. I've never confessed that it is still tough to actually get out of bed. So I take a few minutes to breathe and think about what I want to do as soon as my feet hit the ground. If I haven't prepped my Morning Make the night before I decide what mood I am in that day in those few minutes. Sewing? Sketching? Writing?

A few weekends ago I had the pleasure of participating in The Creative Jam in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Wonderful people, the ocean, and a phenomenal creative spirit. It was an incredible weekend. Total bonus for me was my morning walks. The rain and fog held off each morning and the ocean was still. I could watch herons, seals, boats, and the fog roll in like a quilt being pulled over a sleeping baby. 

Improv Curves Improvisational Quilts

The morning after I got home I woke up with this idea. Ripples. 

Two rough 4'' squares layered right sides up. One light blue, one dark blue, value being relative. A wavy cut with my good scissors. Sewing opposites together. Square up to 3.5'' x 4''. Repeat and repeat, a meditation. 

How could I not, with this as inspiration?

Prince Rupert Ferry View
Prince Rupert Quilt Inspiration
Prince Rupert Quilt Inspiration
Prince Rupert Quilt Inspiration
Prince Rupert Improv Quilt Inspiration
Prince Rupert Totem Pole View
Prince Rupert Quilt Inspiration

Broncos Block - Quilts for Broncos

Broncos Block Humboldt Strong

Like most quilters, most creatives, when bad things happen I respond by making. It helps me process my own pain or emotions. It also gets me to start thinking about how I can help others heal. This is, of course, by making and giving a quilt.

So when the horrific news out of Saskatchewan about the Humboldt Broncos bus crash rolled in, I immediately thought of making. I designed a quilt block with my daughters help - I was decorating a cake so I dictated numbers and a sketch to her. Initially, it had 14 HSTs, but it had to be updated when the death toll changed later that day. The design is a simplified, modern version of a horses mane. I was looking at the Broncos logo and thinking about what I might be able to do. This is it.

Making may help heal my emotions. Making or receiving a quilt may or may not do something for the families, the boys and woman still injured, the first responders, and team affected. But I do know that any show of support - when the entire country is behind you - can only help in the long run. So I will make. You can too.

Broncos Block

Cutting Instructions

Feature Fabric:

  • 8 squares 4'' x 4''

Background Fabric:

  • 8 squares 4'' x 4'' (from one strip cut 4'' x WOF)
  • 1 square 3 1/2'' x 3 1/2'' (All cut from one strip 3 1/2'' x WOF)
  • 1 rectangle 3 1/2'' x 6 1/2''
  • 1 rectangle 3 1/2'' x 9 1/2''
  • 1 rectangle 3 1/2'' x 12 1/2''

Assembly Instructions.

  1. Draw a line on the back of the background 4'' fabric squares, corner to corner on the diagonal.
  2. Pair a background 4'' square with the feature fabric square, right sides together. Line up and sew 1/4'' from the drawn line on both sides.
  3. Cut on the drawn line. Press towards the darker fabric.
  4. Square up the half square triangles to 3 1/2'' x 3 1/2''. Use the 45 degree line on your ruler (or something like a Bloc Loc ruler) to make sure the seam line is straight from corner to corner.
  5. Sew together 5 blocks, end to end, with the feature fabric in the upper right corner for placement. Make a row of 4 blocks, then 3, then 2. Note: You will have one HST leftover.
  6. Press the rows in alternate directions.
  7. Layout the entire block the following way  and sew the rows together and press the seams open or all in one direction:
  • 1 block plus 3 1/2'' x 12 1/2'' background
  • 2 blocks plus 3 1/2'' x 6 1/2'' background
  • 3 blocks plus 3 1/2'' x 9 1/2'' background
  • 4 blocks plus 3 1/2'' x 3 1/2'' background
  • 5 blocks
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block
Quilts for Broncos Broncos Block

There is an official quilt block/quilt drive hosted by Haus of Stitches, the local quilt store in Humboldt and the Prairie Patchwork Quilt Guild. They are coordinating to make and receive at least 200 quilts to be distributed among survivors, families and billet families, first responders, and the team. The block they've chosen sews together very quickly. Full details here.

I am making blocks like above, plus the Quilts for Broncos blocks as per the official instructions. Everything I make will be donated to the official drive. I am also gathering, for local to Calgary quilters, any work they do and delivering it to Saskatoon. It will then go on to Humboldt from there. 

This tragedy is devastating. I think every parent can imagine their kid on that bus. I have hockey playing nephews, my own kids have played, my daughter does bus travel for her sport. It is an accident, plain and simple, but it hits hard. I know 3 people - with no connection to each other - who had connections to kids on the bus. That's how hockey is in Canada. It's why we are seeing kids wearing Jerseys to school, sticks left out on porches, professional sports teams honouring the team for their own connection to their past, and why quilters are making. We can't heal the deep wounds, we can't make the pain go away, but we can make and show support. No one is alone in this. 

Pattern Drop and My Sewing Machine Quilt

Sewing Machine Quilt with pattern Drop

Today is the day my pattern drops on Pattern Drop

Like that? It's as if Katie planned it that way. I'm sure she did. She is a lot of fun like that. (Katie from Swim, Bike, Quilt is behind Pattern Drop.)

Pattern Drop is a monthly subscription service where you get one new pattern and loads of inspiration delivered to your inbox. There is no way you could buy all these patterns for the cost of a subscription. And it is so easy for you! 12 amazing designers with 12 unique, bold patterns. Each pattern is tested, too, so no errors to worry about. I am pretty excited to see what else comes as the previous months produced some delicious quilts.

2018 Pattern Drop Designers 2

The Sewing Machine Quilt pattern is a perfect escape for us quilters, or the quilters in your life. I, myself, made this and it pulled me out of a huge creative slump. With options for precision piecing and improv blocks there is something for every quilter in this pattern. Not to mention two block sizes (small above, large below) and a wide number of layout options.

I'm thrilled to be working with Katie this month and share my Sewing Machine Quilt with a wider audience. Just look at what she has done in advance of this month!

Sewing Machine Quilt Pattern Drop
Sewing Machine Quilt Cover
Sewing Machine Quilt Home Decor

To sign up for Pattern Drop visit the site and choose either a monthly or annual subscription (which, of course, gives you a better rate). You can get colouring pages, access to tutorials and forums, and meet a community of quilters working on similar projects. Each new pattern drops on the first Wednesday of the month.

Annual Subscriptions are US$6.99/month. (US$83.88) A monthly subscription is US$8.99/month. If you use this special code I am providing you essentially get 2 months free! (US$69.90)

Pattern Drop Coupon Code: CHERYL2FREE

For those of you joining me via Pattern Drop, Welcome! I am so glad to have you here. Grab a cup of tea and look around. 

Pattern Drop

Full confession: As a Pattern Drop designer I do have an affiliate link if you sign up through me. 

Itty Bitty Curves to Carry Me Through the End of Winter

Small Piecing Improvisational Picing

Oh these improv curves! 

In sharp contrast, at least when it comes to colour, I pulled out these little blocks last week. With my Names for Snow quilt top finished it is great to play with bold colours again. 

Here's where it stands. 

I'm running out of fabric. But I am nowhere near running out of motivation to sew these little blocks together. So now I am debating finding more fabric - it is a mix of random vintage solids, Kona solids, Connecting Threads solids, and I think some Essex Linen. It wouldn't be hard to figure out what I've used so far and buy just a little bit more.

As it stands, this is about 65'' tall. But only 38'' wide. I have baggies of blocks, but they are little and get used up quickly. Hmm...

Improv quilting Modern quilts Eames chair