Introducing Tag - My First Fabric Collection with Connecting Threads

Tag Fabric Selvage Peak

Inspired by the marks we make in life. From our first scribbles on paper, or the walls, to the last words we say. As a writer the words and the motion of writing mean so much to me. As a quilter, the fabric matters and communicating through the design and the process mean as much. They both come together in Tag, my first collection.

Connecting Threads will be releasing the collection this winter. Today I am happy to share a peek. All black, white, and a grey. Some perfect low volume prints, graphic and fun elements, blenders, binding, and a creative version of a stripe. 

I truly cannot wait to share it all and see what people use the fabric for. There will be patterns to go along with the fabric and some free projects. Stay tuned! I will keep you all informed via the website. Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter as well as Connecting Threads for all the official announcements and ordering information.  

Tag Fabric Stack

Forgiveness - A Word Quilt for Wednesday

Forgiveness Quilt


One of the most difficult human actions. Especially when we need to forgive ourselves. And still with others. It is so much easier to be angry, to be scared, to hold a grudge. Recently I took that energy and channeled it into this quilt top. 

What a release. 

Forgiveness Scrap Quilt detail

Don't ask me how many pieces are in here. Don't ask me how long it took. Don't ask me the personal details. Just know that it worked. That forgiveness is not only possible, but it does indeed feel better and require less energy than holding on to the anger, the frustration.

And bonus, my sewing room has a few less scraps in it.

Cutest Quilt Photobomb

With forgiveness in your heart you welcome the cute photobombers who draw on themselves and the reluctant quilt holders. Even the wind. 

Take a deep breath, get your butt in the seat and sew. Let the good stuff ride.

Quilt Top in the Wind

Morning Makes - The Australian Verson

Australian Improv Work

If it wasn't for my morning make I would not be surviving summer. To clarify, I would not survive the kids being home and very limited time to sew or work. I'm doing my best to be a calm mom and the act of creating before I consume is making a huge difference in that goal.

This is just an exercise in improv. It's just play.

The first bits started as demos on my Australia trip. I grabbed two fat quarters fairly randomly to demo something on the fly. Then I used the fabric to demo something else. By the end of the trip I was rather in love with the combination so I bought the rest of those two fabrics. At home I added in bits of love from my stash, treats that Leslie at Maze and Vale gave me, scraps from my Kawasaki's Theorem screen printing, and some special fabrics also gifted on the trip. 

There are a million ways to approach improv and a million ways to play. I've decided to focus on shape to have some cohesion in the quilt. Triangles/diamonds, curves, little bits. This way, that way, any way. Scale provides some great interest and keeps me on my toes in the making.

So here and there, each morning, I make a little. Some days I can sneak in a whole hour. Most days I'm lucky if I get 20 minutes. All that counts is that I sit my butt in the chair and sew first thing in the morning. 

The Splendid Sampler Confession


I'm totally behind in my Splendid Sampler blocks. This week marks the 50th block, halfway through. I've made 15.

The Splendid Sampler

Maybe you are in the same boat. You got really excited at the beginning and stayed on top of things. I did. Then I got bogged down by a couple of things. Life, just that motherhood/work/getting out of the house thing. Deadlines, just articles and patterns and trips out of the country. Then there was the embroidery. Oh, the embroidery.

For you it might be the paper piecing blocks, the few hexies, the applique or whatever. For many of us there may be one type of block or another that intimidates or frustrates. And it is pretty easy to lose steam when faced when one of those blocks.

I'm here to tell you that it is okay. Totally okay. The Splendid Sampler is supposed to be about fun. No one, absolutely no one is saying you need to make each and every block. Nor that you have to make them all within 48 hours of the pattern being released. Make the blocks you like when you like. Period.

Green Splendid Sampler blocks

If you, however, want to make all the blocks and find yourself feeling overwhelmed or totally behind here are a couple of tips to get back/stay on track.

  • Cut your fabric in sets of 5 or 10 blocks. That way they are always ready when you find yourselves with a moment to sew. Also, it means you can work on the type of block you are in the mood for rather than a specific one you feel you HAVE to do.
  • Swap techniques with a friend. If you have a friend who loves embroidery (anyone?!) but you love paper piecing do a little trade. Make hers and she finishes yours!
  • Let it go. Fall in love with the blocks that speak to you and don't worry about the rest. Make multiples and run with it.
  • Do what my husband always stresses to the kids (and me) when faced with something seemingly scary or extra challenging: calm down. We can do almost anything when we face it calmly.
  • Put the blocks you have together in a setting. See what they look like. If they seem pretty awesome to you as a pillow or a baby blanket then so be it.
  • Be inspired by Alyssa Thomas on Periscope. She posts every night with her blocks. And note, they can take her more than one night!

Our goal with The Splendid Sampler is for you to have fun, first and foremost. After that, the designers have included blocks that get them excited. That's why there is such a range of techniques and styles. We designed blocks that make us happy and hopefully shared that fun. So don't stress and try to have fun.

To celebrate this milestone a number of The Splendid Sampler designers are hosting a fun blog hop over the next few days. Make sure to check out the special milestone block and visit the blogs as there are a number of giveaways across the board. Including here.

Cheryl Arkison Patterns

I've got two patterns to share. Both may be techniques that you aren't necessarily familiar with - making slabs and improv piecing - or you are well versed. Either way, they are fun patterns! Enter your name in the comments below with the number of The Splendid Sampler blocks you've made so far. No shame here! The giveaway will be open until August 9th, midnight MST. The giveaway is now closed.