Park Blocks

File this one under a class sample that will most definitely become a proper quilt. That will happen in that magical land called Someday. In the meantime, I'm quite enjoying building a collection of blocks.

The fabrics first came from a bundle of fabrics I sent to Lysa to paint. That was 2 years ago and once she returned them they sat there in a stack. She'd asked for my favourite fabrics from my stash and that is what I sent. I thought it would be appropriate to make something with them all together. When I put together the first few blocks for teaching hand appliqué I immediately turned to this bundle.

Unfortunately, only about half of the fabrics in the bundle were big enough to be used for the pattern at hand. So let's just say that the collection of blocks is inspired by that original bundle.

The pattern itself is Park from Carolyn Friedlander. She really does knock 'em dead when it comes to appliqué patterns. I'm sure, in time, I will make them all! In consultation with Carolyn I picked this pattern when I was asked to teach hand appliqué. It covers all the basics of prepping blocks, basting, and all the shapes, corners, and turns to master when learning appliqué. Bonus, Carolyn includes directions for turning a single block into a pillow sham, making it an easily finished project.

These blocks make a regular rotation in my appliqué tote (A Nest Egg Tote from Carolyn, of course). In the midst of the giant Circle Lattice it is nice to start and finish one of these in a relatively short time frame.