The Third Circle Lattice block

And another Circle Lattice block. Just can't get enough. Once you make two, you might as well make four, right? That is my plan, at least.

It took me longer than I would have liked to finish up the second one, only because there were a lot of quilts to bind. That took up a lot of hand work time and nearly killed my wrist. The longer time, however, doesn't bother me. That is indeed the point - to slow down (and savour each stitch).

This time I switched up the fabric. I still totally love the New York City fabric from Samarra Khaja. Even with all that face time spent with it, I am not at all bored. Lucky for me, I was also able to get more of it. So I have enough for the 4 planned blocks, and then some. This time the great fabric is making the circle lattice instead of being relegated to the background. Instead of unicorns in New York, the city is taking over the forest. Hmm, there is a political message in that...

For those of you new here, the block comes from Carolyn Friedlander's book, Savor Each Stitch. And it has taken me 6 months of hand appliqué here and there to make the 2 blocks so far.