Upcoming Hand Applique Classes

With two heavy weeks of travel behind me I am so happy I have hand appliqué to keep me company. Long plane rides, lonely nights in a hotel room, and an overwhelming need to sew something. Applique keeps my company through all that.

If you've not embraced the power of hand appliqué (and you live in or near Calgary) you can learn the basics from me at My Sewing Room.

I chose the Park pattern from Carolyn Friedlander for the class. It allows us to get a block prepped and basted and get to the appliqué. When we are learning the appliqué we cover the basics of needle turn as well the tricks for sharp corners, smooth curves, and finishing. This block has them all. (And it looks really cool.)

Last month I was basting this block in an open house at the store. So many people commented that they liked the block but would default to a zig zag stitch to get it done. Nothing wrong with that, but I think it misses the point. Hand appliqué isn't about getting it done fast. It is about the process for sure. But it is more about slowing down to sew and, frankly, the portability. Having an on the go project with no end in sight gets us sewing anytime, anywhere. And forces the deep breathes we all need more of as we move through the day.

To register for the class call My Sewing Room at 403-252-3711 and check it out in March, April, or May.