Friday Favourites - Silk Thread

Okay, so it isn't exactly breaking news. But silk thread for appliqué? Oh my word, this stuff is awesome.

We know that I have the full on appliqué addiction. I started another new project for appliqué this week (In my defence, it is a class sample for a hand appliqué class I'll be teaching.) So I pulled out the thread Carolyn sent me for Christmas. I figured that if she recommended it and I was addicted to her patterns as much as I am that I should try it.

Life changing. I was using Aurifil 60W before, so not exactly bad thread. But that's like comparing a glass of clear, filtered water to drinking water as it drips from a glacier. Or a fantastic bar of Ghiradelli chocolate, then a chocolate piece right from a swiss chocolatier's hand. Both wonderful, both without any reason to complain. But one is clearly better than the other for the task at hand, whether that be refreshment, pleasure, or hand appliqué.

If you are interested in learning appliqué yourself and are local or close to Calgary, check out the schedule at My Sewing Room. And make sure you are all subscribed to the newsletter for all sorts of events, announcements, and extra bits.