Antlers on Plaid - A Mini Quilt

                                                                   Antlers on Plaid
                                                                          15'' x 15''

I made a mini.

In the spirit of embracing a challenge posed to me, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone I made a mini quilt. And it didn't kill me.

But, I didn't particularly enjoy it. Of course I didn't hate it, I was making a quilt after all. I can't say as it was something I really want to do again. It seemed like a lot of effort for something so small. You have to do all the same steps you would if you were making a full size quilt. So yes, it goes quick and there is the satisfaction of a finish, but it seemed like too much work. Not to mention any mistakes you make are magnified.

On top of that, what the heck am I going to do with it?! We aren't really quilts on the wall people - with a few exceptions. And I don't need any table runners/mug rugs. So this particular one will now be on its way to my sister as she asked for it.

When I decided to accept the challenge to make a mini I also decided to tackle a few things that irritate me. Go the whole way with pushing myself. So I pieced a red plaid pattern. I'm sick of seeing red plaid on everything this winter - from men disguising themselves as urban lumberjacks to Christmas cards. Lumbersexuals and their beards are not for me. Another thing I am sick of are antlers. Antlers on everything. I have family and friends that hunt for meat and if they want to mount antlers then so be it. And when I started seeing stag heads on quilts and stationary I kind of liked them. But now? Not so much.

Of course, someone commented that the antlers look more like Grinch hands and that is all I can see now.

So I made the mini. Don't expect me to make more.