52 Alturas Blocks

Up to 52 blocks now. In six months.

It doesn't seem like six months. But I know that I started these while the girls were out of school for Christmas break. And I took them with me to Mexico in early January. And here it is summer vacation.

Not once have I been bored with these. I may not touch a block for weeks, but there are always a few ready to go when the mood hits. And then I might make three in a weekend. Or two at night while I watch the Tour de France.

I said at the very beginning that I was only committed to making 9. Then I said that I would go until I was bored. Now I think I might go until I make 72. With a border  - yes, I am actually planning a border - that will give me a finished quilt of 60'' by 75''. At least that is how it is coming together in my head.

Of course, I have to say thank you to everyone who sent me squares and scraps of fabric when I asked for help. Every time I go to prep another set of blocks I have so much to choose from. It has definitely helped in expanding the range of fabrics in the blocks. All the appliqué pieces will be unique, but the backgrounds to have a bit of repeats. 

So, thank-you to:

Carolyn Forster
Erin Harris
Barb Robson
Anna Passafiume
Penny Gold
Latifah Saafir
Katrina Hertzer
Liz Zok

If I missed someone, I'm sorry! Some of the envelopes may have been recycled by eager little girls after the mail was opened.