One Little Block at a Time

Scrap Quilts Cheryl Arkison Small Piecing

One day you are just staring at the scraps from some log cabins and the next you are starting a new quilt. To be fair, I didn’t really plan on starting a new quilt, I just wanted to see what would happen if I made some little four patches. Well, I can tell you this, JOY happened. Little four patches are deliciously delightful!

Tedious to sew at times, but delightful.

Initially, I only made the red and white ones. After a batch of those I decided they needed some other colours for company. It was only after I made some green and turquoise ones that I decided these little bits would become a quilt. But what kind of quilt?

Small Piecing Scrap Quilts Cheryl Arkison

THIS kind of quilt.

A meta four patch showing off all the best in the colours and the low volume fabric. See? Delightful.

My Covid brain would not allow me to imagine what it could truly be as a quilt though. At least not at a useful size. Usually, I could fo the math and dive right in. Alternatively, sew a bunch and then figure out a way to make it work. This time I needed to draw it out a bit. No one will ever complain about a little sketching either. Some coloured pens an graph paper did the trick. Now I could count squares instead of totally winging it.

Scrap Quilts Cheryl Arkison Small Piecing

Sometimes you don’t want to do the math though. Only because the answer is daunting. Really daunting. That is one of the downsides of small piecing. The only downside. It takes a lot of blocks to make a useful size quilt. In my case, this quilt will end up 21 x 27 blocks. That means I need 567 of the bigger blocks. So double that of the four patches! Yeah, I didn’t like that math either.

The good thing about small piecing and no deadline, is that I can plug away and one day it will be done. This causes me zero stress. If I finish this project this month, next year, or in 2025, I don’t care. It will be a cool quilt no matter what.

So I’ve cleaned up dangly bits from the stash of low volumes, tidied up the scrap bins, and got myself a pile of blocks by the sewing machine. As I work on any other project the pairs become my leaders and enders. Once a good stack of them are ready I plug in the iron and put a show on the computer to press. Then repeat, making four patches. I’ve actually squared up quite a few of them while on Zoom calls for school or sports AGMs. Keeps me busy, at least.

I feel my mojo creeping back so getting these assembled doesn’t feel like work. More like a comfort, a return to home. Just like our lives right now have to be about taking it one day at a time, we can make a quilt one block at a time.

Scrap Quilts Cheryl Arkison Small Piecing

Morning Make September 2020

Sep Morning Make  Cheryl Arkison

Another month of painting. More focus this time.

With the kids returning to school I really, really needed something both a bit quicker than my doodles of last month but also still meditative. I decided to draw and paint a series of quilt blocks and turned them into cards.

My knowledge of traditional quilt blocks is not terribly deep so I pulled some classics off the book shelf for inspiration. I still used my quilting ruler, but wielding a pencil instead of a rotary cutter. My trusty watercolours and a black marker for outlining rounding out the supplies.

September Morning Make Supplies Cheryl Arkison

For the most part I limited myself to just a single block in the painting. Sometimes, however, you need a few repeats for good effect. With each block I played with colour in my paint choices, but not really anything fancy. I am no watercolour artist, but I am definitely improving. At the very least I am capturing what I want and that makes me happy.

Now I have a collection of 30 cards!

Sep Morning  Make 1 Cheryl Arkison
Sep Morning Make Cheryl Arkison
Sep Morning Make Cheryl Arkison
Sep Morning Make Cheryl Arkison
Sep Morning Make Cheryl Arkison

Which really means, now I have a collection of letters and notes to write. Would you like one? We could all use some happy mail these days.

The first 25 people to send me an email to with a return mailing address and a short request will get a card. Please include a bit about yourself or your online presence so I can truly personalize these.

Quarantine Quilt 1

Quilts in Quarantine X Plus Low Volume Cheryl Arkison

Quarantine Quilt 1

60” x 72”

Back in the early days of Covid the month switched and as I looked for Morning Make ideas I decided I needed sewing in my life right then and there. The kids were home and our days had a somewhat leisurely start to them as we navigated school at home. It meant I could putter in the sewing room a little, even if they woke up while I was at it. It meant I could finish what I started each day.

Originally, I chose the low volume X Plus blocks because I had some left over from when I filmed and promoted my Creative Live class on Quilting with Low Volume Fabrics. I thought that they could all play together in a big quilt, because you know I almost never make a small quilt! As the month went on and the reality of our times sunk in I decided that I wanted this quilt to be a specific monthly marker, with no additions. April has 30 days, so 30 quilt blocks.

The kids helped me baste the quilt. I clearly remember we cleaned the floors together, put on the Taylor Swift album (the only time I listened to it but people were raving so!) and ended up having a long conversation about Black Lives Matter and white privilege. The quilt really is a product on its time. To be clear though, it’s just a quilt.

X Plus Quilt Block Cheryl Arkison Low Volume Fabrics

The quilting is nothing fancy, a topstitch instead of a ditch stitch on all the seams of the blocks. Pretty blue Aurifil thread that happens to match the binding. In between the blocks I used the all purpose dove grey. Together, they give the quilt definition more than texture.

The binding, incidentally, is the only fabric I purchased for the entire quilt. Everything else I had in the stash or scrap bins. Yes, my collection of low volume fabrics is that deep. I was ordering the batting and saw the fabric on the site for one of my favourite local shops, My Sewing Room. It was fate. Especially because I already knew what I was using for the backing.

X Plus Quilt Cheryl Arkison Low Volume Fabrics

I’ve had this fabric in my stash for years! To be perfectly honest, I didn’t know what I would ever use it for, but I loved it so. It seems very, very appropriate for a quarantine inspired quilt. Doesn’t it just evoke HOME? With all apologies to my Mother-In-Law who also likes the fabric, I used everything I had to make the backing.

No fancy quilt picture for this project. It was made at home, inspired by home, and will be used at home. Although, not yet. We are having a gorgeous month so no extra quilts needed yet.

X Plus Quilt Block Low Volume Fabrics Cheryl Arkison

Exclamation Points!!

Quilters Playcation Exclamation Point Cheryl Arkison

I’m not sure I’m done saying the words that need the exclamation points, but it seems I am doing sewing the exclamation points.

This 100% Covid inspired quilt top is now ready for a date under the needles to turn it into a quilt. That’s the point when I can be more reflective, maybe a bit more quiet, possibly a tiny bit excited. Or still saying a lot of things!

Free Video Tutorial! for this block.

Quilters Playcation Exclamation Point Cheryl Arkison
Quilters Playcation Exclamation Point Cheryl Arkison

We are still very much in Covid times. We are still very much in a reckoning regarding Black Lives Matter and a strong need for anti-racist actions. We are still tired, stressed, privileged, scared, bored, anxious, frustrated, angry, grieving, and maybe a tiny bit hopeful. We still very much need words that end with exclamation points.

Here, our kids are back in school. We had a choice between online and in person. Our kids are social creatures and the numbers, while not good, are low enough with regard to community spread (at the moment) to make us feel okay with their return. We’ve already had one round of isolation and a test for a kid with a cold, so we’ll see how it all pans out going forward. For now they are happy to have some routine and greater social interactions than the 4 families we bubbled with. And, thankfully, they all wear their masks and understand the rules.

With them in school I have some semblance of a routine developing. I’m trying to catch up on our family business. I’m also starting some online teaching. Right now it is all through guilds and stores, but Zoom is indeed a remarkable platform for delivering classes. It’s working for me. I’m even managing a bit of yoga and dog walks while still feeding sourdough and stress baking cookies!

It’s all good, until it isn’t. As we’ve been saying to the kids since March, we take this one day at a time.

Quilters Playcation Exclamation Point Cheryl Arkison