
October Morning Make 2022

Laptop on a mid century modern desk

Okay, so October was not the most photogenic month for Morning Make.

I wrote. In the mornings. At the pool, at home, at my brother’s, on vacation. I woke up and wrote. In the summer I started a novel. It’s not the first novel I started. The first one is abandoned, the story died out and I didn’t feel is deserved a second life. But this manuscript still has me going.

It felt great to commit to each every day. I won’t lie, I’d hoped it would spur me on to keep that habit after October. It did not. But it is not abandoned, it is not dead. When I have the wherewithal I pull it out and add a few pages of text. The first draft doesn’t have to be pretty, good, or even legible, but it is has to be there.

April Morning Make 2021

Blackout Poetry Inspired by Austin Kleon

Blackout Poetry

Take a page from a book, literally, and cross out words so that the ones left are a poem. Made famous by Austin Kleon, blackout poetry is a unique way of creating. Part destruction, part seeking, part rebuilding, all creativity. What you remove is as important as what remains.

To begin I bought myself a hefty Sharpie and perused my bookshelf for a book I was willing to destroy in the process. I chose a self help book on anxiety. Not because I don’t need it anymore (hello third wave of Covid!) but because it was small in stature. My beginner brain assumed that less words on the page would make it easier to construct the poem.

That was a false assumption.

Such a specific topic and small pages meant that each page I ripped from the book was likely to contain one very narrow topic with a lot of repetition of words. This, I think, made it challenging to not only construct a poem I felt was valid and beautiful but also one that wasn’t necessarily about what was already on the page. Some days were better than others. Here are some of my favourites.

Blackout Poetry Cheryl Arkison
Blackout Poetry Cheryl Arkison
Blackout Poetry Cheryl Arkison

At first I felt my heart in my throat as I ripped pages from the book. The destruction! I really do love paper books. Then I started to see the beauty in the craggy edge where the page came away from its confines. I love the back side, where the Sharpie bleeds through. I love the searching for more beyond the content of the page. Finding the poem is almost like resuscitating the words so that they aren’t lost to the ether.

Morning Make July 2020

Morning Make Cheryl Arkison

How has your creativity been during Covid? Creative action is fantastic, but true bursts of inventive creativity? In full force or nowhere to be found?

A lot of what I’ve been doing in the past 5 months is forced action. Most definitely creative actions - painting, sewing, fabric play, sketching - but little of it is true creativity. The kind of creativity where your brain and body get excited by new ideas has not been happening. There is little space or energy for it in dealing with the day to day these past months, and still.

That being said, sometimes it is good to force the issue a little.

So for July that is exactly what I did. I haven’t been writing much at all this year. I want to, but the energy and inspiration are just not there. My friend Kate says that sometimes you just have to get your butt in the seat and do it. I wasn’t going to be able to tackle the essays or novel I started, that I knew, but I decided to force the creativity by writing down story ideas each and every day. None of these were anything that I’d thought of before. Instead, each morning, I would take my pen and my book and stare at the abyss (or my desk artwork courtesy of Bari J Ackerman, Andrea Tsang Jackson, Tim Johnston, Marissa Cummings, and my daughter) and extract something from my brain. It wasn’t easy and it definitely isn’t pretty. But it was absolutely worth it.

Morning Make Cheryl Arkison

At the end of the month I had some good ideas there. Some not so good, but some well worth pursuing. I also had motivation again for writing. I got two articles done and started a picture book manuscript. I’ve also been able to brainstorm some new things not even related to writing. But the juices are flowing a little and that makes a world of difference.

More than I once I’ve said that creativity begets creativity. There are times when the movements of a creative action are enough. Other times you have to grab the wand and grudgingly pull the ideas out of your head. Once you do though? Magic!