Eurora Quilt Update March 2021

Euroa Quilt March 2021 2.jpg

The Euroa quilt 3/5 of the way done. Phew!

It’s taken me over 3 years to get to this point. Until Covid I was averaging a column a year. For how often I work on this, that seemed decent to me. Sewing in snippets of time on the pool deck, outside of fencing practice, beside the dance studio, and sometimes while watching F1. A few times in the car or a mountain cabin too.

I actually had all the blocks for the third column done last year, but lost motivation for any kind of hand stitching as Covid and winter wore on. But that finishing kick I’ve been on hand me hand stitching binding and that sparked the joy again. A few weeks ago I pulled these out and got the last column sewn together and then all the columns joined. With the kids back in school and activities now it is a good way to force me to slow down a little, again. Stitching happens in the car or at home now since we aren’t allowed in any of their spaces, but it still works.

Euroa March 2021 1.jpg

My goal is to make 2 more columns. That will make the quilt 80” x 80”. There are 400 individual blocks. I assemble them block by block, then make a 4 patch, then a 4 patch of those. I haven’t actually timed myself for making them, I’d rather not know. Nope, just enjoying the process, one stitch at a time.

There have been quite a few requests for this template/pattern lately. While I am not selling it anymore I am working on an alternative. Make sure you are signed up for my newsletter to be among the first to know when it happens!