Morning Make January 2021

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You know how people often start January with a Word of The Year? I admit that I’ve done it a few times. I also admit that I have forgotten my chosen word by March, every single year.

For Morning Make, then, I decided to think up a month’s worth or words to hammer home. All things I think are important for me to keep in mind. By drawing one our each day, doodling, really, I could spend some time to ruminate on the word for myself.

So that didn't really happen. I was doing these in the dark mornings on January in minimal light in the hopes the kids would stay asleep. I spent more time worried about font and lines and kerning and being unique each day than I did thinking about the word itself. Sigh.

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It turns out that my love of fonts and graphic design does not extend to the doing of it. I’ve read some stuff and enjoy looking at books and articles about font design and logos and all that stuff. While I never expected this to be easy nor for me to be any good at it as a beginner, I did not expect to dislike it. This was a slog, if I am being truly honest. I did not look forward to it each morning, I even felt stressed.

This is not the point of Morning Make!

Or so I thought. Truly, the point is to commit to the daily practice. The point is to experiment and play with something. Unless you try, you don’t know whether you will like it or not. The point is to show up and both challenge your creative juices and embrace the little tangents it wants to take you to.

It’s okay not to like it. I tell my quilt students that all the time. You don’t have to like what you made or event eh technique, but appreciate it all for the commitment to yourself and your play. This, this is the point of Morning Make.

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Since graphic design isn’t going to be a career choice for me (now I know!) it’s back to sewing for February.