
Playing with Stars

I'm chugging along and playing where I can. Working through this slump, pulling out old projects and trying new things. Last week, on my birthday, I got in the mood for some precision piecing. Rather than create any old random block I decided to add to my star collection.

Sitting in a bin was a little collection of 8 stars. I started them 7 years ago. Yup, that's how long ago. They were a Block of the Month from Planet Patchwork called Celestial Migraine. At the time I started them I did plan on keeping up - don't we always plan that with BOMs?! Then, as now, most of my sewing was improv based so taking a mental break to precision piece was nice. I also chose these soft colours and that provided a respite from the saturated colours I was using all the time too.

Well, I never downloaded all the patterns and the final quilt layout. It disappeared from the site and I could no longer find it. But, I did remember that is was a sampler of star blocks, with loads of Friendship Stars scattered among them. So last week I picked a star pattern (Pat's Star) off of Quilters' Cache to add to my collection. It was a spot of fun sewing and complemented the existing stars quite well.

I must admit, I'm kind of excited about these now. I'm going to make a few Friendship Stars and float them in background fabric. The stars I have finish at 12'' square, so I'm going to finish my Friendship Stars at 6'' square. I'd like to have all my stars float on the background a bit more so I'm going to play with layout.

(Scroll through here to see a version of the original pattern.)

Who knows how long these will stay up on my wall and when I can play again? I am quite enjoying their sunny nature and it was exciting to shop my stash for fabric additions. Another step forward in reclaiming my creativity.

Touch and Talk (Visit Your Local Quilt Store Day Blog Tour)

Quilting is a tactile art. No matter how pretty something looks from afar, when you are cuddled with a quilt on the couch it needs to feel good wrapped around you.

Likewise, fabric needs to respond to your touch when you are cutting, sewing, pressing. Some fabrics are softer, drape more, or are even silky between your fingers. And those are just the quilting cottons! Quilt batting varies in drape and feel too. From brand to brand and between fiber content. Then you add the quilting and a new dimension of texture emerges. Not just texture you see, but something that rubs and nubs under your fingers and over your legs when the quilt covers you.

This tactile experience begins right when you buy the fabric. Standing the store, too many bolts piled under your arm. Picked for their colours, but when you start editing and dreaming you start to feel the fabric. Some will get discarded because they are too stiff and you aren't sure how much that will wash out. Some will seem too flimsy, seemingly ready to fall apart with a pull on a seam.

This tangible beginning to a quilt is only possible in a quilt store. (With no offense to the wonderful on-line fabric retailers out there.)

Just as quilting is tactile, it is also social. Blogs and more are wonderful for connecting quilters across the world. And for many in rural or remote locations, those surrounded by kids more than quilters, or sewists living in a world of athletes the internet is a fabulous thing indeed. I love my connections that started here. But I do quite enjoy getting into a store and chit chatting as I pull fabric. From the store gossip to the latest fabrics not quite put on the floor, building a relationship with the owners and employees builds more than a retailer relationship. Quilters are drawn together and are tied by a bond only cut by rotary cutter.

As confident as I feel in my choices, a second opinion is always good. It is a challenge to my own sensibilities at times, but always welcome. When shopping in the store it is wonderful to hear and see what someone else might do with that particular fabric. And I'll be the first to admit that there are a lot of good ideas out there, and they might indeed be better than mine.

I must admit that when I was a beginner I heavily relied on the local stores to guide me through challenges I was having. Bring in a WIP and nearly anyone in the store (employee or another customer) is almost always willing to offer insight, opinion, and a little lesson. And usually lots of laughs! Now, if you run into me in a store and you are looking for an opinion you can count on me to offer it, even if you didn't ask me!

Geez, now I really want to go visit my LQS, or the 5 that I am lucky enough to have within 15 minutes of me...

Traditional Pastimes
My Sewing Room
Out of Hand
Along Came Quilting
A Sewing Sensation

And on January 24th I encourage you to get and shop your LQS, wherever you may be. Load up the kids and make it a day trip if need be. Support Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day!

See more blog posts on the Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day Tour. A whole host of wonderful quilters are there extolling the virtues of their local shops. Between now and January 24th you can add your post too! I'd love to see where you all shop! There is even a photo contest with some great prizes.

See you at the store, fabric in hand. I promise a chat and a extra bolt of fabric in your pile.


You've heard me speak of my particular thread love before. Today I am sharing, with the inspiration from Sew Mama Sew, a bit more about thread.

How do you select colours for your personal thread collection?
Unlike fabric, I don't have a thread stash. Rather, I have thread that I've purchased for specific projects and maybe there are some leftovers.

Do you always match the thread perfectly to your project?
Well, that depends on the project. For piecing I use a cream or grey 99% of the time. For quilting it depends on the project at hand and my goals with the quilting.

Do you ever use contrasting thread?
Indeed, I have. I've outlined by hand with black. I've used colour on white, more than once. Or, when you've got a project with strong contrast in fabric choices, you can go one way or the other and you get contrast.

Do you use the same colour in the bobbin as on the top?
Usually, I do. You have to be very good with your tension if you use different threads, and even now I still struggle with this. For example, I constantly fought with tension on my Roots quilt, and it really mattered because I used grey on the back and constantly changed the top thread.

What if a fabric has big areas of very different colours?
Over time I've discovered that I stress way too much about the quilting pattern and thread choice. Especially when it comes to very colourful pieces. The truth is, in many, many quilts the thread and quilting pattern will get lost in a busy design. So, on a multicoloured or busy piece pick one colour and go with it.

Do you have any tips or suggestions on picking thread?
Experiment! Until you know what your machine likes and you've quilted a few times with it, it is hard to narrow down a specific choice of thread based on someone else's recommendation. So, try a few brands, a few needle sizes, and just play. The right thread will make itself known.

Do you ever buy thread because you fall in love with a colour? As an investment?

What types of thread do you have?
I stick entirely to cotton.  My latest obsession is Precensia Mercerized Egyptian Cotton. I love the colours, it works well in my machine, and it doesn't produce a lot of lint. And it doesn't break! I do have some embroidery floss that the girls and I use to play around with embroidery. Thanks to Jen for that!

What about you? What are your thread favourites?

When I Turn My Back

There are two school of thought on welcoming your kids into your quilting habit.  On one hand you can have a sewing room with a closed door and they are not allowed to touch your fabric. On the other hand, you can let them play with the fabric and make a giant mess.  I will fully admit that some days I wish I had a design wall and a door to close (and lock). But most days the girls are knee deep in scraps and helping me pick fabric.

This is what happens when I turn my back on a pile of fabric.

Where do you stand on kids getting involved with your quilting habit - the process, the fabric, the inspiration? I'm working on an article on creating and quilting as a family, so I'm curious as to your habits.


Okay, like I need another project.  I have a project yet to reveal, a baby quilt started that will probably be late, my water quilt, and a million ideas racing around in my head.  And those are only the active ones, not the pile of UFOs hiding under the bed (literally). But I really, really like the Values quilts that Katie does over at Willy-Nilly.  And now she is hosting a quilt-along.

Shocking, I'm already behind.
The other day Hubby had The Monster our running errands so Smilosaurus and I played in my stash.  I decided that this Values quilt would only be scraps.  But in truth, my definition of scrap has changed over time.  Originally, anything smaller than 6 inches was a scrap.  And everything else got thrown back in the colour-coded bin as stash.  For this project, however, I was going to need bigger pieces.  So I refined my definition to anything I'd used before and might be less than a fat quarter.  A pretty generous definition if you ask me.

I must confess that this pile was not even close to everything that fit my refined definition.  I want to really like this quilt so I picked out only those fabrics that I still really like.  Or, at least the fabrics that I really liked that day.  I'm going to cut one of each and see where that gets me.

Let's see where this one goes...

Trust Me

*** This giveaway is now closed ***

It's the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!

I'm still feeling generous so I thought I would share more fabric.  It would make sense, then, to show you the fabric I plan to give away.  Yes, that would make perfect sense.  Unfortunately, my camera is not cooperating right now so I can't download the photos.  You'll just have to trust me.

Come on, you know I can pick the good stuff.  I love putting together based on colour and feel. In fact, quite often I will just pull fabric from my stash for some imaginary quilt. Maybe I'll bring home a new fabric that I bought just because.  Just because I liked it.  So I hit the stash and see what I have that works with it.  Maybe I'll even put that grouping aside for a while and let it simmer.  Maybe I'll let The Monster help me and see what she comes up with.  Maybe I'll even start a project then and there.  No pattern, no plan, just a pile of fabric and a little inspiration along the way.

For the giveaway please leave a comment telling me how you pick fabric for a quilt - does the fabric comes first or the pattern/design?  And tell me which colourway you prefer:

I will pull from my stash 6 fat quarters in the winners choice colourway.  And I have no problem shipping internationally (I'm in Canada) so please drop me a comment by May 31

Don't forget to visit the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway site to see the rest of the blog giveaways. There is some good stuff out there.  Feel free to explore a little here too.

*** This giveaway is now closed ***

Stash Report

There hasn't been much quilting lately.  The girls are not napping at the same time and I've had other work to do.  On the plus side we have a dishwasher finally!  That is saving me some time. To keep this place active I thought I would do the Sew Mama Sew stash interview.  No fancy photos either - I don't want to wake up the girls and my stash is stuck in a corner of their room. The photo above is from the last time I organized things, before we moved it all out of the basement.

What do you usually sew?
Quilts and that's it.  I have some feeble attempts at clothing and crafts, but they are just that, feeble.

When you shop for fabric, what size cuts do you usually buy?
Because I never use a pattern, most of my quilts are stash based.  When I shop it is either to augment a colour or for something like a binding because I don't quite have enough.  That means I usually buy 1/2 metre cuts.  It gives me enough freedom to do different things with the fabric.  If I am buying for a specific project then the cuts are often smaller, so I can have more variety of fabrics.  I find lately that I get tired of a fabric if I've used it too many times, no matter how much I like it.

Do you buy on impulse or go out looking for something you need?
Both.  Sometimes I'm just missing a specific shade of green or turquoise.  And when I'm looking for that I find three other fabrics I love!

Are you a pre-washer?  If you are, do you wash it before you need it or only when you are ready to use it?
I used to be an ardent pre-washer.  Then my stash started growing and I could no longer remember whether a fabric had been washed or not.  Now I generally don't bother, with two exceptions.  I always pre-wash batiks or a purchased/gifted hand-dye to make sure it doesn't run.  I will do this right before I use them because I don't use them often.  The second exception is reds.  This is the most likely colour to run so I usually pre-wash reds right when I come home from the store.  Then they are ready when I need them.

Do you iron it?
I will iron before using, whether pre-washed or not.  If I need to cut precise strips or pieces I iron to get out fold lines so I can cut to grain successfully.  And if I'm cutting random pieces or scraps I generally iron before sewing, at least.

How do you sort it?
As you can see from the photo above, by colour.  I keep my batiks, novelties, and flannels separate.  Any significantly multi-coloured fabric are contained in two other bins.  There are also a few other bins that contain UFOs and pulls for specific, planned, but not started projects. I don't like making quilts with all one line or designer, so I've never bothered to sort this way.

Do you have any special folding techniques?
Nope.  I fold it rather than stuff it in the bin, doesn't that count as a technique?  If The Monster gets into it she rolls it to put it away.

How do you store it?
I have about 15 plastic bins.  Currently they are in an old closet - minus the doors - in my daughters' room.  I can see each colour and can easily grab a bin or two for some project pulls. 

What tips do you have for building up a well-rounded stash?
Don't get stuck on specific designers and buy their entire line.  Buy your favourites from the line.
It isn't necessary to buy a lot of any one fabric, no matter how much you love it.  Will you still love it after you've made your fifth quilt with it and you still have three metres left?
But, don't be afraid to buy what you really love no matter what.  Then don't be afraid to use it!
Don't be afraid to buy a fabric you just aren't sure about.  If you love the colour but hate the pattern you will use it.  Fabric looks different cut into a small strip or triangle.
Buy fabric in a variety of prints. Small-scale, large scale, stripes, dots, solids/blenders, and even florals.  Having a variety of fabrics in your stash will help make your quilts more dynamic.
Don't cull a fabric just because your tastes have changed.  There may be a perfect use for that one brown one day.
Try to have fabrics in one colour that have both shade and tint.  Again, it will add more interest to your quilt.

When do you say enough is enough?
I don't.  Every now and then I will say that I need to take a break from shopping, but then I need just a bit more for a backing.  And sometimes it is worth adding a few new things to get you jazzed about your options again.  I might by one new multi-colour fabric, do a pull from my stash, and never even use that new fabric.  but it got me to look at my stash again and get excited about what I've got.

What are some of your best stash-busting projects?
Anything I do always starts in the stash.  Lately the entire project or at least the majority of it comes from stash.

Do you have a current favourite print in your stash?
Not really.  I find that I have colours I go to, but not necessarily a favourite print.  That being said, I recently put in an order at Purl Soho for the first time.  I've always hesitated because ordering from a US company can cost a fortune in taxes and duties, but I had to have a specific print and took the risk.  It was so worth it!  And now I have this cute robot fabric from David Walker.

What's your definition of a perfect stash?
Well, I think mine is pretty good.  The only thing I would change is a better way to store it.  I would love to have it in a closet, not the bins, and folded better.    

A good stash is not like your favourite quilt store.  You can go into your favourite store and know you are going to get what you need or like.  But go to a new store and you'll see something you've never seen and it gets you excited.  Sometimes you go through your stash and it is like that new store.  We all have our go-to fabrics, but the search for the perfect pink uncovers that one stripe you forgot you bought.  A perfect stash is full of stand-bys and surprises, is used and added to, and it inspires all on its own.