quilts of valour

Oh Canada, Indeed

There are times when all deadlines, all to do lists, all sense of personal responsibility go out the window because something much bigger happens. Last Wednesday morning I sat with a friend. We watched CBC, scrolled Twitter, tried to distract ourselves and her son. Her Dad was in lockdown in Parliament. The whole country held hostage by what we now know to be a lone wolf gunman, a radicalized young man with a lot of anger and problems. We sat that morning, not knowing, almost not wanting to know.

Then we knew. We knew the stories of the victim that day, of the shooter, of the soldier killed two days earlier.

Over the next few days we knew more about ourselves, our country, and those who serve for us - whether that be in a uniform or a suit. We saw soldiers stand tall in bravery, political rivals embrace, veterans receive long lost respect, communities gather around those so wrongly targeted. The country responded well, in my opinion. We cherish the ideals and values that make us Canadian - freedom, multiculturalism, peace, openness. Those were not shot that day. In fact, they grow stronger.

I'm just a quilter, no one who works greatly in the service for others aside from my family and community. This little piece of the world I occupy is a space I love to share and hope to use to inspire others. At the end of the day last week, when I finally turned off the news, got the scoop on the Parliamentary lock down, and sat quietly with a beer - hey, I AM Canadian - I did what I know to do: I sewed. I sewed the only thing that made sense to me at the time.

In a week of ups and downs, sadness and laughter, family and country, this is the one thing that's made sense to me.

After a year of sales I'm happy to write a cheque for $500 to Quilts of Valour for a portion of pattern sales for my Oh Canada pattern, as promised. With a second printing of the pattern underway I expect to donate even more in the coming year. 

Quilts of Valour Donation

Yesterday was Remembrance Day here in Canada and a few other countries, Veteran's Day in the US. As in every other year we hear stories of veterans and the sacrifices made. For so long the stories were consumed with the vets of the World Wars. Here is Canada you would here more about the Korean War as well. Now, however, there is so much said about Afghanistan and more recent peacekeeping missions. Being a soldier did not end in the 50s. And every year we are reminded that being a soldier does not end when your tour of duty ends.

Quilts of Valour provides quilts to service personnel dealing with injuries - those we see and those we don't, like post traumatic stress disorder. We all know that a quilt is such a comfort and a real hug when we need it most. It isn't about warmth, it is the spreading of love.

$1 from the sale of each of my Oh Canada! patterns is being donated to Quilts of Valour. This is from all sales - wholesale, printed, and downloaded. If you haven't purchased the pattern yet, this is the perfect reason to do so.

I'm also proud to know that many people have purchased the pattern to make quilts of Quilts of Valour recipients. To be honest, I never thought of that when making the quilt in the first place or in producing the pattern, but it makes me quite proud to know that this is part of its life.

Buy Oh Canada! here.