
2015 Goals - 2Q Check-In

Time to stop, look, and listen. Summer vacation started for the kids. I'm trying to more or less take July off to be with the family and rest a little myself (it isn't working, I feel antsy). I do like this quarterly check-in though, keeps me on track. See my 1Q check-in here.

1. Start, and possibly complete, the next two quilts in my Alberta series.

I actually had the opportunity to test a concept for my first one planned. Working with a local shop, My Sewing Room, I designed the background for their Row by Row Experience. We went with a Prairie sky/landscape and this is exactly what I want to do for my next quilt in this series. 

2. Record at least 1 new online class or set of classes.

Finished this last quarter! My CreativeLive classes are available and so much fun. 
Improv Quilting Basics
Quilting With Low-Volume Fabrics
Translating Inspiration in Quilting
Playing With Pinwheels in Quilting

Oh, and how convenient. I see that they are on sale right now. Each class is only $20!

3. Launch 2 more print patterns.

The final design for the Sewing Machine Quilt is being finished. I'm so close with this one. And then my designer got married. I use a graphic designer for the layout and her wedding took precedence. Hopefully soon...

4. Attend 1-2 quilting retreats as a guest and not a teacher.

Had to put aside the one I really wanted to go to. At this point I would settle for a guild sew day.

5. Pick up 3 new freelance clients.

At the last check-in I mentioned that I would be evaluating this. Well, I did. And I've decided not to actively seek out new clients. Part of this was management of my time, especially when it comes to family. Part of it was that we decided to not keep our babysitter, changing the time I did have available. I am still freelancing - check me out in Modern Patchwork and American Quilt Retailer on a regular basis - just not activity pursuing new publications right now.

6. Celebrate the launch of You Inspire Me to Quilt, because I never did that for A Month of Sundays and I missed that.

And I didn't do this. Is it too late? I turned 40 right when the book came out and my husband threw me a big surprise party. It seemed cocky to turn around and have another party right away.

7. Explore print and pattern making through regular sketching, play, and learning design programs.

This is so much fun. I'm sketching and playing all the time. And I've started, just started, some Illustrator classes. Still so much more work to do. But exploring this even more is one of my summer goals.

8. Lose 20 pounds. Actually, closer to 25 if we count the holiday weight. I lost 20 pounds last year and want to continue on the road to health.

So I did an 8 week exercise program on Fitness Blender. Physically, I feel great. I noticed a difference in my flexibility, endurance, and strength. I could see changes in my body shape. But I did not lose a single pound. Muscle weighs more than fat, so there is that. But it also shows me that what I eat matters so much. I wasn't bad in what I eat, but clearly there needs to be bigger changes. The good thing about summer is that it is generally too hot to bake so cookies are out. But then there are s'mores. I also found out recently that I am anemic, it can impact weight, but not really.  My exercise has lagged in the last 2 weeks, so I am trying to get back on that. Thank goodness for lazy mornings by the kids.

9. Find an agent/publisher for the children's books I wrote.

Working on this, actively. But nothing to report yet.

10, Spend at least 1-2 hours a week working on one, any one, of the outstanding Quilts Under Construction. Focused, steady progress should move some of those through the list, even when I'm starting new quilts all the time.

It doesn't happen every week, but it is happening. And I've really only started one quilt this quarter. That being said, I didn't finish many. But the list is shifting and quilts are moving around.

On top of all this I have also submitted the proposal for a new book. Fingers and toes crossed that I will have word so that I can be starting it by the time the girls go back to school. On top of teaching, both locally and booking some travel for the fall, things are not quiet at all. Not to mention the household organization I've undertaking via the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

With the babysitter gone I am back to my early mornings alone. I wake up ready to go, but often paralyzed by all the things I want to do before the kids wake up. I've realized that the exercising can be done when they are awake, so I try to get my writing and pure creative work done while they still sleep. That is, when we are home! There have already been camping trips and visits to help my mom move. But on those regular home days it becomes a flexible combination of creativity, mothering, friendship, and summer fun. Such is my life, and I'm certainly not complaining!

2015 Goals - 1Q Check-In

I promised myself (and you, dear readers) a quarterly update on my goals. As I've spent the last two weeks evaluating some opportunities, cleaning up after a rush of work, and reconnecting with my family, this review is timely.

1. Start, and possibly complete, the next two quilts in my Alberta series.

Other than a sketch and some dreaming, nothing has happened here. It is a creative challenge that requires some attention, something I haven't had much of lately. 

2. Record at least 1 new online class or set of classes.

This goal might have been a bit of a cheat because I already knew I was going to be filming my CreativeLive classes. We'll chalk this one up to putting something on the list because you already know you can cross it off.

That being said, I think I might like to do one more this year.

3. Launch 2 more print patterns.

The final design for the Sewing Machine Quilt is being finished. I'm so close with this one. And I've started the quilt I hope to be another print pattern. 

To be honest, I'm still not sure this is a good direction for me, but I'm experimenting and we'll see the response.

4. Attend 1-2 quilting retreats as a guest and not a teacher.

Really hoping the budget allows for this, but I would also like a new bathroom.

5. Pick up 3 new freelance clients.

With the shut down of Quilty I lost a freelance client. I am writing for Cake and Whiskey's new blog, Sip and Slice though. 

Right now I am evaluating whether I want to pursue this more or just keep the clients I have and serve them even better.

6. Celebrate the launch of You Inspire Me to Quilt, because I never did that for A Month of Sundays and I missed that.

Still planning on this one. My advance copy is due to arrive this week but the launch of the book itself may be delayed due to labour issues at the ports where the book will arrive from printing.

7. Explore print and pattern making through regular sketching, play, and learning design programs.

I just started watching the Creative Bug class on fabric design. And I picked up a print making kit. If I can get my family on board, I'm hoping to take a class at the local art school to pick up some computer design skills.

8. Lose 20 pounds. Actually, closer to 25 if we count the holiday weight. I lost 20 pounds last year and want to continue on the road to health.

Up and down, up and down. I went off sugar for a couple of weeks - yay! I went to QuiltCon and drank my weight in bourbon - yay! Then there was the moment a few weeks back when I tried to make a 3 pointer at the basketball court. Nothing but... air. I am weak. So not only do I need to cut back on the sugar to get towards this goal, I need to get some good exercise in. And this week I started just that. This goal is moving up the priority list right now.

9. Find an agent/publisher for the children's books I wrote.

Nope, nothing to see here yet.

10, Spend at least 1-2 hours a week working on one, any one, of the outstanding Quilts Under Construction. Focused, steady progress should move some of those through the list, even when I'm starting new quilts all the time.

It hasn't happened every week, but it is happening. And the new quilts I've started have either been finished (because they were for publication) or they are for classes and have no immediate deadline. I'm happy with the focus keeping this list provides. I updated the list last week. The number is still up there (43) but I see progress. I also see where I might need to just let some things go. And finally, where I need to focus my efforts to move things along even more. First step, don't start any new quilts for a bit.

This pause and reflection on where I've worked in the past three months is quite useful. I need to ask myself, right now, if the direction I'm going is actually where I want to be. And will these goals get me there. I've always felt like I had a good end result in mind, but some good conversations with my husband has me asking questions. Honestly, I don't know all the questions and I certainly don't know the answers, but my brain and heart are working overtime trying to sort it out. Seeing these goals and my activity provides some focus to those efforts.

2015 Goals

So I sat down and wrote out my goals for 2015. It was a long list. A list that seems really great on a piece of paper. Full of optimism and lofty dreams. But that only makes part of a good goal. A good goal must also be defined well and specific. So that cut out a few from the list. A goal must also be trackable, be measured for success. That was there in all of them so no more made the cut.

I could have whittled it down in the interest of making it seemingly more manageable. But I like to dream big. And I'm willing to put the work in to make things happen. The only thing that usually stops me from reaching my goals is the reality of time available and a desire to actually mother my children. But I'm sure going to try no matter what.

2015 Studio Goals

1. Start, and possibly complete, the next two quilts in my Alberta series.

2. Record at least 1 new online class or set of classes.

3. Launch 2 more print patterns.

4. Attend 1-2 quilting retreats as a guest and not a teacher.

5. Pick up 3 new freelance clients.

6. Celebrate the launch of You Inspire Me to Quilt, because I never did that for A Month of Sundays and I missed that.

7. Explore print and pattern making through regular sketching, play, and learning design programs.

8. Lose 20 pounds. Actually, closer to 25 if we count the holiday weight. I lost 20 pounds last year and want to continue on the road to health.

9. Find an agent/publisher for the children's books I wrote.

10, Spend at least 1-2 hours a week working on one, any one, of the outstanding Quilts Under Construction. Focused, steady progress should move some of those through the list, even when I'm starting new quilts all the time.

These goals are a mix of personal and professional development. I can't have one without the other. They are specific and measurable. And this time they are going up on the studio wall to keep me focused.

I do have a lot more I want to do this year, and those things will get done as well. Stay tuned for some fun new things on the blog, and the new design coming soon.

Thank you so much for joining me on this great creative adventure. I wouldn't be here without you.

Goals for 2014 - How Did I Do?

I'm a big fan of lists. Every week I create a to do list/schedule for what's on deck. It helps me remember and keep me focused on tasks. I don't lose sleep when something gets transferred week after week to the next list. It will get done. That regular check in, though, does wonders for keeping the tasks front of mind. And the reason they move onto the next week is more than likely because I procrastinated on something I didn't really want to do.

My quilting tasks make their way on to the lists as well. In fact, they gets their own list. No point mixing them up with the boring stuff like scheduling doctor's appointments!

What I did not really do with my weekly lists, however, is compare them to my annual goal setting. Oops. They kind of operated on a short term thinking, instead. But I still need to check in and see how I did. Then come up with a strategy to combine the short term and long term thinking. Here are the goals as I laid them out in January, and where I got to with them.

1. To turn all quilt tops sitting in my closet as of right now into completed quilts. There are 10 of them. And 2 others already being quilted.

Nope, not even close. A few got done. Or are in the process of getting done like the Voile Quilt, or Antonio's quilt. But most of the quilts I finished in 2014 I started in 2014 as well. The exception being There Is Peace in Pattern.

2. To distribute all the Just One Slab quilts before the end of winter.

So, so close... There are about 10 quilts in my studio, a few needing binding yet. Then the last quilts will be distributed. I delivered 30 of them in a big batch to a seniors home in October, I still need to tell you all about those. Soon.

3. Stay on top of my accounting with a monthly sit down in front of a spreadsheet and a pile of receipts.

Well, it didn't happen monthly. It only happened twice. Totally worth it though and motivation to get on track for monthly work in 2015. I had some big thinking to do a month ago as we looked ahead as a family to the coming year. Knowing exactly where the money came in from this work I do and where I was spending the most was very worthwhile. It completely focused the discussion. Money isn't the only reason I do this as a job, but you can't ignore it.

4. Revamp my website and blog (with the input from all of you!)

Oh man, this work is nearly done... I am not one for web design and this constantly got pushed to the bottom of the lists. But it is close. I am really hoping for a January launch.

5. Produce at least 1 new pattern for sale.

It is being designed as I type. So look for it in the new year. It will be available for print, but I'm not sure about the PDF as the new EU VAT laws are making a mess for small businesses like pattern sellers.

6. Finish one of my novels.

Not even close. In fact, I barely worked on them. I did get a bit of a creative breakthrough on one of them recently that has me excited to find some dedicated writing time in the coming months. If only The Garbage Truck would go back to sleeping in to at least 7 again so I could get back my quiet mornings alone.

I did, however, write two separate children's books. I'm pretty excited by those stories and am looking forward to moving forward with the potential for publication.

7. Complete at least 3 quilts in a series I've got planned. This Mountain Meadows would be the first one in the series, but I have sketches for many more.

Only got Mountain Meadows done. I am totally thrilled with it. And finishing that one does have me motivated to try the others. I'm looking forward to some play on those this coming year.

8. Teach the girls, as they ask, how to use the sewing machine on their own.

Woohoo! This one came true. I'm thrilled beyond belief. I let them come to it on their own. And because I got a new machine they clued in to the fact that they would get more access to sewing. Of course, sewing still takes a backseat to watching Marvel movies with Dad or Dutch Blitz tournaments, but they are in there with me from time to time. No complaints at all.

9. Make exercise a daily part of my life again. (I consider this a Studio Goal because it is part of my overall time management for work.)

Um... okay... well... Exercise didn't exactly become regular. But it has creeped back into my life a bit more than it had been before. Not as much as even I would like. It went in fits and starts, honestly. On the plus side, we got a new family dog in the summer so at least there is some regular walking in the schedule.

10. Start and finish my third quilting book.

And done. In fact, my last edits were due on the 23rd. You Inspire Me to Quilt will be published this coming spring. My work on it is done, the publisher is finishing up their last bits, and then it heads to the printers.

There is absolutely no disappointment on my end in not achieving all my goals. I worked hard this year, and I enjoyed the work. In there I also managed, mostly, my family. There was also some fun, some travel, some unplanned experiences, some tears, and a lot of joy.

The goal setting process certainly provides long term focus. The review process is great for reflection and going forward. If I didn't reach the goal, should it still be on the list? I'm not a big corporation, no one's bonus (ha!) is dependent on whether I get 80,000 words written or work out 4 times a week. As an independent business, however, having focus for my determination keeps me from chasing rainbows, or rainbow covered fabric bundles.

My next post here will be about my 2015 goals. And stay tuned through the newsletter (sign up on the right there) for regular updates on my goals, lists, and extra motivation for work.

Goal Setting for 2014

My oldest, The Monster, is very big into goal setting thanks to her public education. We work hard at breaking down the details and steps necessary to reach her goals. In that process it has reminded me that I need to do a bit of that myself.

So, here goes. In 2014 my studio goals are:

1. To turn all quilt tops sitting in my closet as of right now into completed quilts. There are 10 of them. And 2 others already being quilted.

2. To distribute all the Just One Slab quilts before the end of winter.

3. Stay on top of my accounting with a monthly sit down in front of a spreadsheet and a pile of receipts.

4. Revamp my website and blog (with the input from all of you!)

5. Produce at least 1 new pattern for sale.

6. Finish one of my novels.

7. Complete at least 3 quilts in a series I've got planned. This Mountain Meadows would be the first one in the series, but I have sketches for many more.

8. Teach the girls, as they ask, how to use the sewing machine on their own.

9. Make exercise a daily part of my life again. (I consider this a Studio Goal because it is part of my overall time management for work.)

10. Start and finish my third quilting book.

Those are the big goals. It does not account for the ongoing, must do, and just for fun sewing and writing commitments that are there every day as well. And of course all the awesome unplanned things that could still come up. Oh yeah, and that family thing that happens outside of the studio too.

Yes, I am insane. And I wouldn't have it any other way. How about regular updates on all of these, so you can help keep me in check? They may be more like reality checks, but I am not scared in looking at this list. I think teaching the girls to sew on the machine themselves might the most frightening thing of them all!