Fuddy is Not Duddy

Fuddy is Not Duddy Challenge - Final Projects

Well, did you get your Fuddy is Not Duddy Challenge piece done?

I'm looking forward to seeing what you've put together. Different styles of work, different uses of colour, and different inspirations. Post your link below.

You can also post your photo in the Flickr group: Fuddy is Not Duddy.

Now for the good stuff! We've got prizes! That bundle up there contains four fat quarters, all containing our theme colours. And Stash Books is offering up 6 titles! Huge thanks to Susanne Woods for the prize.

Winners will be chosen from all entrants posted by October 11 at 6:00 pm MST. Make sure you get your link posted in the Mr. Linky.

Connect the Dots

Connect the Dots
22'' by 26''

My entry to the Fuddy is not Duddy Challenge. We said it was for brown, burgundy, and green, plus one other colour. I chose blue because so many of the fabrics with mixed colours include this light blue.

The design I chose is inspired by this quote from Steve Jobs:

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."

I had something entirely different in mind until I saw that quote. It made for a much simpler quilt, but I love the finished product.

For some unknown reason I have loads of this fabric on the back. Loads of it.

Machine bound... Don't look too close. In fact, don't look too close at much of it. This is how I made most of the quilt. It was either this or a very extended game of Red Light/Green Light.

Fuddy is Not Duddy Challenge - Update

Have you started picking your fabrics for the Fuddy is Not Duddy Challenge? If you've been quilting for a while my guess is that you've got fabrics hiding in your stash that will be perfect. If not, it seems like a perfect excuse to hit your LQS for a little brown, burgundy, and green love.

The Evil Genius and I played in my stash the other day. I have A LOT of brown. Not so much burgundy and almost no dark green.

But I do have a plan for my little doll quilt....

I'm finalizing judging and some prizes for the Challenge. Remember, October 10 is the deadline!

Fuddy is Not Duddy Challenge

It all started with a random tweet. I can't remember who said it first, but those tweet chats move fast! Before we could type burgundy, the gauntlet was thrown. So thanks to Talkin' Tuesday chats (hosted by Cara) and with the enthusiasm of Barb, Thomas, Susanne, Lesly, and a few more, we've got ourselves a challenge.

Introducing the Fuddy is Not Duddy Challenge.

Take your best burgundy, green, and brown fabrics, add in one more neutral or colour (one only).
Make a doll quilt to prove that these fabrics and colours aren't as old-fashioned as you or anyone else might think.
Share it with the world by October 10, 2011.

A Flickr group will be up soon. And I'll post closer to the end date with a Mr. Linky so everyone can share their finished pieces. It's all in good fun, but a prize or two is highly likely.

Are you up for it? Can you see beyond the bright, saturated colours many of us are instinctively drawn to? Can you combine the traditional and the modern?