Honest Craft Room

Lest you think everything is sunshine, rainbows, and all projects put away, let me share my Honest Craft Room photo. Full disclosure though, this was taken a month ago just before the mess really, really got to me and I cleaned up.

In this photo you have:
- A broken ironing board
- A taped together pattern draped on a bag full of charity quilts needing binding
- A roll of batting for the charity quilts that doesn't fit in the closet because my own batting is in there
- Fabric pieces for a dress under construction
- Scraps and books and other ephemera simply shoved on to shelves
- Quilts under construction in block form, in bins, toppled over
- Handmade Christmas decorations from the kids, from Christmas 2013
- Tea mug that was probably from the day before
- Piles of fabric here, there, and everywhere
- A million pieces of paper, holding who knows what secrets

My room is small, but it is dedicated to my work and creativity. The entire family is welcome, but where are they supposed to sit when it looks like this?! It always gets cleaned before guests come over because it is the guest room, but I no longer think that is enough. I am incredibly grateful to have a space of my own, but I am clearly not showing it the respect it deserves.

Today, the room looks marginally better, but not great. I'm in the middle of a purge and organizational kick. My awesome quilt hangers helped, but there is so much more work to do! I'm reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up right now and it is rather inspiring, if not a bit hokey at times. Coming to this room during the process will be tough, but absolutely worth it. One of her first questions is asking you what your goal is for the space.

I want a clear space to let my creativity flow - whether that is for sewing, designing, writing, or sharing.

What about you?