Finish All the Quilts

Well, I know how I'm spending my Christmas vacation. Lots and lots of binding. Oh wait, does having the kids and Hubby home for two weeks with me qualify as vacation?

That is four quilts there waiting for binding. Two of them are king sized. Those ones I got back from Andrea at Urban Quiltworks. Beyond excited for what she did on those. Wait until you see them. Alas, those have to wait for presents and magazine projects to be finished first.

Did I mention I finished two other quilts last week? And I'm hoping to get my Alturas quilt quilted and bound before Christmas as well? I'm on fire! If I get all these done that knocks of 6-7 quilts from my massive Under Construction list. Woohoo!

Honestly, I am on a finishing kick. And I'm already anticipating a very, very busy January and February. There won't be a lot of quilt finishes or sewing for fun for the rest of the winter. But there will be some very exciting things to come. No complaints here. In the meantime, I'm happy to snuggle with my hand stitching and Downton Abbey and Mad Men reruns.