Newsletter Announcement

Announcing the Dining Room Empire Newsletter! Look over there on the right. See it? That's the sign up for the newsletter.

I can't promise that it will come out every single week, but it will be close to that. Included in each newsletter will a personal note from me, updates on Quilts Under Construction  - whether I blog about them or not, favourite things from me and around the web, announcements, and a fun little exclusive feature.

Ask Me Anything is a going to be a running column in the newsletter. You can send me your questions and I will pick one a week to answer. It goes without saying that they must be reasonable and appropriate, but it can be anything on topics like quilt techniques, what's on my nightstand, favourite technique for temper tantrums, my Sunday Dinner plans, whatever! I'm excited to share a little bit more about me and see what you are interested in learning.

This week's newsletter will go out over the weekend. It includes a fun link to an interview with me.