Why I Shouldn't do Group Work

See these boxes? I found them in the garage clean out this summer. Know what's in them? Round Robins that are over a decade old. In fact, they are probably closer to 15 years old. I'm pretty sure they are circa the same era as my Y2K quilt as they would have been also started with contacts via the World Wide Quilting Page chat group.

I am the worst ever.

In digging through the boxes I see that I did start on my contribution for one of the quilts. But that strip is as far as I got.  This particular quilt was started by Sandi Irish, a great pattern designer. I seem to recall being so thrilled that I was in a group with her and look how I (nearly) threw it away. I've contacted Sandi to see if she wants her quilt back as is or if I can at least finally do what I was supposed to do in the first place and then send it back to her.

The other quilt belongs to a lady named Linda. But I can't seem to track down an address, Facebook link, or email. Oh no! (If any of you know of someone who went by the name Linda Tiwahe from Minnesota, please let me know.) So much work has gone into this that I hate to let it linger here anymore. It deserves to be a real quilt.

Oy. Don't ever let me be in a group project with you.