Friday Favourite - Hoarfrost

It's snowing again here. And by again I need to point out that we've had snow on the ground since before Halloween. I clearly remember leaving a thunderstorm in Houston at Quilt Market and returning to a storm here. Winter is long. That's why you have to take the pleasure where you find, embrace the beauty too. Whether it be...

... a perfectly shovelled walk (yes, there is such a thing).
... snow angels.
... any time spent in the mountains.
... the fields of straw covered in snow against a blue sky.
... skating on the outdoor ice.
... buildings snow forts and mazes in parks.
... snowball fights.
... the quiet that envelopes the world when the snow falls.
... hoarfrost.

Oh, hoarfrost. I revel in hoarfrost in the winter like I do a good thunderstorm in the summer. Weather is going to happen so let it give you a thrill!

Sometimes you go to bed knowing it will happen. It is cool, but not warm and you can feel humidity in the air. Sometimes it is a Christmas morning surprise when you wake up and the world is white. Not the ground and the tops of the trees only, everything is white. And it is magical and pretty and you can't help but twitterpate.

For those of us who like to take pictures you wish the sun would come out a bit so the light makes the world even more magical. But that is a terminal wish because the sun causes all those fragile crystals coating the world to melt and drift away. So go for a walk, sit in the window with tea, or look through the branches and the beauty.