So Girly

Remember my round robin? I did my rather traditional blocks for my three fellow robins. (Sorry, missing a photo from one.) I started with black and white. This is what came back to me.

It is so ridiculously girly and pretty and fun. So, totally not me. You know what, though? I love it! I never would have put pink with it, or flowers. This is gorgeous and I'm glad I trusted others to do something fun. This entire round robin has been a great experiment in letting go and experimenting. Compassion too, as you have to think about what the recipient might want out of the quilt.

It's up to me now to add another border or two then finish it up for our June meeting. I'm thinking of another round consisting of smaller chopsticks blocks like the center. Maybe.

The series on quilting with kidlets underfoot will run every Monday in March. I'll be back next week with the first post on managing your space.