Workshop in Progress - March 31

Thank-you for all your kind words about the indigo project. I really am quite attached to this project and the anticipation of what it might be. I will definitely keep you posted on every step along the way.

This week in the Workshop we have some interesting posts.

Felicity has a very sweet hand-me-down flimsy. It is hand-pieced by a beloved family member and she is looking for opinions on how to do it justice with her own touch. Any advice for her?

It's been mentioned here before how I love the challenge of putting together quilt tops from seemingly disparate pieces.  Bees are fantastic for this. That's why I really like the challenge Kris from Summer at Grandma's House has for us this week.  She has a number of house and tree blocks from her own bee. What would you do if they were your blocks?

Elle is up to something new, again. Does she ever not try something new.  This week she is looking for advice on getting wonky.  Do you have any for her?

That's a wide variety of topics, but that is the best part of the workshop - being exposed to so many different ideas.