Workshop in Progress - February 3

It's time for another Workshop update. What do we have going on today? There isn't much to report from my studio, other than my machine going in for some love. It finally occurred to me to take it now, since I can't use it anyway. Let's check on the rest of the group.

Cristin is now working on Side B of her special baby quilt. Visit Sew This is My Life and take a look. What do you think?

Over at Pickle Dish Lesly is contemplating block designs for bee participation. She is using that lovely Anna Maria Horner Voile. How can she show it off the best?

How would you go about choosing fabrics for a scrappy blocks? That's the question asked at Nichole in Real Life. She has a neat project on the go, make sure to check it out.

An ongoing project over at Elle in Da Coop has her puzzled. And if you know Elle she has her hands in a million different pots at once. Maybe we can help her finish off this project.

The ongoing colour saga at What KT Made Next might be over. What do you think?

One last thing. Many of us who receive comments are often met with a response. That means we can't get back to you, even if it is just to say thanks. If you feel like you've been ignored lately after leaving comments, make sure you check your settings. If you are on Blogger, check out this post and make sure you have your settings the way you want them to be.