
Mighty Lucky Quilt Club Challenge Announced

Single Fabric Quilt from Mighty Lucky

The July Mighty Lucky Quilt Club is out and I am so excited to share it with you. This month I am sharing a fun and pretty easy challenge. Dive into your stash for a favourite fabric and see if you can use it to make a single block, even a single quilt with just that fabric. You'd be surprised how fun and very doable that challenge is to do.

Have you heard about the Mighty Lucky Club? It is a monthly challenge for quilters. it's all about pushing ourselves creatively and with technique. You can sign up for one month or the whole year. It is a great collection of designers working hard to inspire you. For only US$5 you get a delivery of a PDF to your inbox with all the challenge details. It is $50 for the year's worth of challenges.

The quilt above is from my July challenge, available now. In the challenge I give you tips and tricks for using a single fabric in a quilt, share different examples, and even provide a block pattern for playing. Actually, the pillow is another example from the challenge. Want to learn more? Check out the Mighty Lucky Quilt Challenge!

Cheryl Arkison Crafty Planner

You can also learn more about the challenge and hear me chat about a bunch of topics on the new Crafty Planner podcast with Sandi Hazelwood. I was really excited to formally chat with Sandi. Her interviews are always so thoughtful and she asks great questions.  Obviously, I'm biased, but I think it was a great interview.

Ornamental Organic

You've seen snippets of this quilt before. It was my all organic quilt challenge based on Daisy Janie's Geo Grand fabrics.

Well, Fat Quarterly picked it up and the pattern is in the latest issue. Go here to buy your own copy. The pattern includes a discussion on my challenge in making this all organic. Here's a hint - I almost made it. This is a easy pattern - no curved piecing. The colour possibilities are endless!

And, if you are so inspired, make sure you share any projects you make with the pattern with me and on the Fat Quarterly Flickr page. I'd love to see what you can make.

Thank-you to Amy for sharing the prize draw for me, Jan for her gorgeous fabric, and everyone at Fat Quarterly, especially Tacha.

Love Bird

A little birdy told me that the next issue of Fat Quarterly is out. And guess who has a tiny project in it?

This is a sneak peak of a fussy cutting Design Challenge I participated in for the November issue. Take a favourite fabric from stash and create a block showcasing some fussy cutting. I then turned mine into a little wall hanging. The block, however, could work really well on a large scale as a quilt.

Go here to buy an issue, if you aren't already a subscriber.