Ulani - A Quilt Full of Sunshine

Turquoise, fuschia, and grey stars on a sunny yellow patchwork background


66” x 66”

Ulani is full of sunshine. She’s a shining light in a stressful time. A reminder to look for light. She is a bright girl who brings joy to everyone she meets.

This sunny quilt comes from the leftovers of our family travels. I brought a stack of 6.5” squares with me to Egypt and Turkey. I made many into some improv blocks as a travel diary. When I got home and there were leftovers I made a quilty plan to use them. The scraps became this quilt, the rest are here (with a few extras to get to this size.)

After my long arming tension disaster I spent the entire 3rd season of Ted Lasso and then some ripping out all my quilting stitches. When I went back to the long arm I was prepared with extra fabric to test the tension. With the test done and all clear I proceeded with the exact same free motion quilting. There is absolutely no point to trying to follow the previous stitches. Really, that would just be a recipe for too much stress. Besides, any needle holes will disappear with the first wash. The whole quilting pattern is just a loopy stipple with stars interspersed here and there. Nothing fancy, but just the right texture for this quilt.

You can really see the quilting on the dark fabric on the back of the quilt. This blue print was purchased on our Egypt trip. The sightseeing guides (which is the best way to navigate the many sites in Egypt) conveniently build in shopping opportunities. Needless to say, I was looking forward to the trip to the Cotton Store! Buried in the basement were a few rolls of fabric on the bolt. There was my spot!!! (Did I get a pic? No.) I only bought 2 pieces of fabric. One, we would later see as a windbreak used by our Beduin guides on an overnight in the dessert. The other was just pretty. I did not have enough of either, however, to make a full back for this quilt without messing up the gorgeous pattern of the fabric. So I decided to simply frame out the one and use it here.

quilt back of a blue beduin design surrounded by Yellow

I absolutely love having this extra memory on the back.

If you know me, you know I love a contrast binding. Here I decided to use a blended binding, however, so that the stars stood out more. I almost went with a white print, but in the end, went with yellow because I had a lot of it.

Now this serves as another, cozy reminder of our trip. Not that we need cozy when we think of that trip because we will never forget that heat and that sun!