Morning Make 1 - Improvisational Curves Make a Quilt

Improvisational Curves Make a Quilt

Morning Make 1

48'' x 48''

What started as demo pieces in my Improv Curves class moved their way into the Morning Make pile. Morning Make is my practice of sewing for 10-30 minutes immediately upon waking. No phone, no shower, not even tea. Taking the time for this practice gets me set up for the day, much as a daily meditation practice would. And creating before consuming does wonders for my productivity and mood!

So these blocks were moved into rotation and I think I had the blocks and top done in less than a week of mornings. Deciding on a layout probably took longer!

Morning Make Corner - Improvisational Curves in Quilting

It also took me a bit to decide on a quilting motif. I tested a few ideas, then as a deadline loomed and my procrastination got the better of me I decided to wing it! Roughly following the line of motion made by the one print in the quilt top I used my walking foot to stitch. My thread of choice was a variegated pink from Aurifil. I used it in the bobbin and on top. Next time I would probably go for invisible or a middle ground pink in the bobbin because it kept me on my toes tension wise! It wasn't off, but it would look like it depending on how the threads met up colour wise.

Machine Binding with Good Neighbors Fabric on Improv Curves

On the back of the quilt I used the same print. It seemed a shame not to, even though I really wanted to keep it for making a shirt. But matching your quilts that much seems awfully cheesy.

For binding I did a quick machine binding. I'm a bit out of practice on that front, but I call it good enough. This is a teaching sample, not a show quilt. Amanda Jean's Good Neighbors fabric from Connecting Threads was absolutely perfect for this. It matched the colours of the solids and the print. For bonus points, the print is already on the bias!

Improvisation Curves in Quilting Photobomb

My trusty helper during the photo shoot decided he wanted to do more than help tape. He took photos himself!

On to the next Morning Make project...