That meant I could get this top done! It is my Values Quilt Along, only months and months late. My lovely models helped me photograph the quilt in the breeze we had last night. To be honest, I like this perspective of the quilt. The design pops - meaning, I did it right! But up close? I'm still not sure. Maybe I should have been more selective about the scraps I picked? I can say that I don't see this as the end of any focus on value. There is a lot to be done here yet.
Above is a detail from the garden and below is the white picket fence. I was able to quilt the names of all us kids, daughter and son-in-law, grandkids, and my mom along the fence. It's a bit of a different touch. But man, did it ever remind me why I don't cursive right. I actually had to look up how to do a couple of letters!
As for the rest of my Spring to Finish challenges...Well, other than the sketches for my doll quilts and the purchase of more amazing African fabrics to add to the Slaveship quilt nothing has happened. Everything is about my Dad's quilt. But Hubby is away next week, so I'll get some quality quilting time in then.
Speaking of those sketches, tune in to the Workshop on Wednesday. I plan to expand what I include there to take in even more discussion and transparency about process. This falls out of the great dialogue happening on my post from last week and a follow-up Rossie posted. Make sure you check them out, lots to think about.