I made this quilt using the 6 minute circle technique courtesy of Dale Fleming. Sure, I've got my circle technique down and I'm pleased with it, but when I decided that I wanted to try ovals with this quilt I also decided that I didn't want them to be appliqued. Then I came across this quilt and knew I'd found the solution to my dilemma. I made a test block for an oval with great success. In truth, the hardest part of this quilt was figured out how to make the two ovals.
The internet is a wonderful source of information. One evening I searched and searched on how to draw an oval. Hubby and I conferred and his woodworking knowledge paid off. Then I remembered that I could simply draw a shape in Word. Two evenings of research and discussion, and five minutes on the laptop.
Each block really does take less than 10 minutes, so I was easily able to bang out a few blocks an evening.
The quilting on this is quite simple. At first I had some grand plans, but they never seemed right with. Hubby pointed out (he really did contribute a lot of this quilt) that the ovals already popped and it probably wasn't necessary to quilt them so the stood out more. Again, the internet saved me. Thanks to Wanda and Exuberant Color I saw this technique and found my solution. I didn't make my lines as wavy as hers, but I love the outcome. And it was fast!
Don't you love that Mingle fabric on the back?
The binding is a lovely Lecien.
I am so happy to share this quit with James and his family. They are dear friends and I'm looking forward to seeing the little guy grow.