Thank-you for all your kind comments about the Monster and the return to work. She has made almost a full recovery now. She is happily running around in her new rubber boots and keeping Daddy company as he works on the landscaping of the yard. Her arm is much better. And then she fell off the bed today. Unfortunately she's inherited my propensity to bruise easily. She is one beat-up looking kid. And happy as can be! Daddy was home with her last week and will be home again in the coming days. Work is work. I would much rather be quilting, er... home with the girls, but the bills need to be paid, right?
Okay, now on to the real news. Who won the giveaway?!
The random number generator picked number 11,
Michelle. There were 59 comments, but one person commented twice, so I used 58 as the number for the draw.
I hope you like your dots, Michelle. Treats will be on their way to you in a few days.
Stay tuned this week. I will be sharing two recently finished quilts and possibly doing another giveaway! It was my birthday yesterday so I feel like being a little bit more generous.