The baby's name is Océane. In case you couldn't tell, that is French for ocean. The bird motif no longer seemed appropriate. So, what to do? A fish seemed a little obvious. And a starfish a little too simple. I could ignore my original intentions and quilt the quilt as is. In the end I decided to applique a seahorse to the quilt.
Silly me, I decided to HAND applique the sea horse. I haven't done hand applique since the class where I was taught it. But I've done dozens of bindings. How hard could it be? Well, it isn't as easy as I expected, but it's turning out okay.
We went up to Edmonton for the weekend for a slew of family birthdays. The drive up was a perfect opportunity to work on it. I eventually gave up, however, as the weather was crappy and the storm clouds made it hard to see what I was doing. Hubby is away this week so if my neck holds out I plan to knock out some work once the girls are in bed - provided I can keep my eyes open.