
Alturas Update

So, I may have mentioned my new addiction before. At the time I said I would make at least nine blocks. Well, I've made nine and I'm already on to the next round. Maybe seven more? Maybe seventy?

It's slow going project, there is no doubt about that. It takes me about an hour and a half to make a block, sometimes 2 hours. It depends on how many interruptions I get from small children asking for food or cuddles, or how engrossing the conversation or movie is on TV. At that rate it is going to take me a very long time to make this a big quilt.

Just like improv quilting, appliqué seems to be so much more about the process than the finished project. Of course it will be gorgeous when it is done. Right now, however, I am just enjoying the process, with no real goal in mind. One block at a time.

At Home Retreat

Somehow, someway, this week is going to be a bit of a retreat. At least I hope it will be.

My SIL is here to sew, but so are two of my nieces and nephews. The four big kids are in camp, so The Garbage Truck is still home. He's getting into everything and being a teething, sucky, creature. I hope he'll let me sew. Fingers crossed.

On my list:
Slab quilts!!! (1630 slabs in my sewing room as of this moment.)
Finish my voile quilt top
Play with these colourful fabrics
Get that last hand stitching done on the binding of the anniversary beast.
Start a baby quilt

I predict only one or two things on that list will get tackled in between thrift store shopping, drinking gin and tonics after picking up the kids from camp, and that cuteness of a baby bothering me.

My SIL is hoping to get two baby quilts at least pieced. This is her fabric pull for the boy quilt. And, as I type, she is nearly done cutting things to make a shwack of half square triangles for the quilt.

Cut First

 Look at me! Cutting all in advance of sewing. That is a seriously big deal, folks. The vast majority of work that I do starts with me sewing, not planning. Even my book quilts generally start with a little bit of sewing before I stop and figure out what I'm actually doing. But this time I drew the pattern and cut everything before I sewed a stitch.

This is what is becoming of the necklace inspired fabric pull. It has a destination and pattern that will be available in not too long.  Pretty excited to share it with you. It's a rather cool quilt with a really awesome final destination. Soon.

What about you? Are you a cut everything first quilter? Or would you rather start then sew a little?